Faculty Projection Terms


The columns and data in a Projection representing Past Month’s activity (what actually happened and hit the books).  AMT incorporates actuals for Personnel & Non-Personnel expenses and revenue.

AMT Access Group

AMT Access Groups specify a collection of users who share rights (create/read/update/delete) to records created in AMT by any member of the access group.

AMT Department

An AMT Department is a 3-letter alpha code, based on Prime reporting, but maintained and used separately in AMT for Administrative and Academic Units. For example, Classics = CLA; Library = LIB. For large units with multiple departments e.g. LCA, the Department search includes all “sub-department” personnel. 

AMT Person Support COPY

This is an editable copy of the AMT Person Support Master residing inside a projection. 

The Projection Manager can edit forecast support data including distribution strings, dollar amounts and forecast periods providing the ability to extend forecast values beyond LA limitations.  Edits to…

AMT Person Support MASTER

This is a special view, available to all projections, of a Person’s support managed in the AMT People Component and includes an import from LA of the individual’s

Historical Distributions (What was supposed to be paid.  This may be different from what was actually paid. Actuals available using Warehouse…
Burn Rate

A calculation used to indicate the rate at which a faculty member, lab or project spends money.  The Burn rate indicates the average expense for a specified time period (months/ year) defined PI and or/ chartstring.  Burn Rate is typically shown in dollars and/or percentage amounts.  Burn Rate calculation formulas typically vary by Lab and/or…

Faculty Projections Baseline Projection

A Working File in which the user refreshes actuals, adjusts projection dates, and updates chartstring future estimated values, in preparation for creating the Periodic Projection.


Faculty Projections Notes

Communications between the projection team and the PI highlighting changes and PI To-Dos.  Notes are published in the PI Projection Report.  Notes are presented and editable on a card accessed within a Projection.

Faculty Projections Periodic Projection

A file composed of a collection of chartstrings for a specific PI displaying the historic actuals and future forecast at an account level.  Periodic Projections are typically created on a monthly basis as a snapshot in time of the Baseline Projection as reported to the PI.

Faculty Projections Personnel Forecast

The process and steps for forecasting the support costs of a faculty member’s (Lab) group.  Personnel Forecasts are performed by person across chartstrings, but are reported and reviewed as a group to provide a comprehensive view of the financial implications of support.

Faculty Projections What-If Projection

A file composed of a collection of chartstrings for a specific PI displaying the historic actuals and future forecast at an account level with certain special conditions added (e.g., timing of a TBH, or possible Equipment purchase). 

Facutly Projections

A component of AMT accessible to users with the appropriate access enables creation of multiple future oriented financial projections for a PI. Financials are imported into the projection based on the PI’s PU ID which is tied to their Person-Specific Programs and Projections. 


A method for organizing projections as well as associated comments and attachments.  A PI may have one or more folders. Each folder groups together one or more Baseline Projection(s), saved Monthly Projections, Comments, and Attachments.  Each folder should have at least one Baseline Projection.



The columns and data in a Projection representing Future Month’s activity (what the projection manager (user) thinks future expenses and revenue with look like month by month).  The methods for updating Forecast values differs depending on the Expense type:  Existing Personnel, TBH Personnel and Non-Personnel.

Forecasted/Projected Balance

Estimated calculation of remaining funding once commitments and allocations are fulfilled.

Forecasted/Projected Expense

Estimated calculation of anticipated personnel and non-personnel expenses (salaries, purchases etc.). Estimated expenses may be entered directly into a portfolio projection or pulled in from commitments.

Forecasted/Projected Revenue

Estimated calculation of anticipated income such as sponsored funding increments, funding commitments and endowment increases.


The individual(s) who are associated with a specific group.  A single member may have one or more associated groups within and across academic departments.  Typically members of a group include: Graduate Students, Staff (Dean of the Faculty and Human Resources), and Undergraduate Students.

One-Project Projections

A One-Project Projection can be created by using Projection Settings to exclude all but the relevant project chartstrings.

Person Funding Support (Financial Support)

The financial source(s) that supports an individual at Princeton.  Typically, this includes salary, fellowships, sponsored research grants, stipends etc.  Support is described by descriptor (e.g. fellowship), fund, and dollar amount.

PI Projection Report

PDF file generated from the Baseline Projection, stored in AMT and grouped together with all other folder Attachments.


A collection of financial and personnel information about a person, activity or unit which enables analysis of current and future financial health.  In AMT, portfolios are created based on grouping key Chartfields (Department, Fund, Program and Project).  A Portfolio can also include a set of personnel that are charged to these chartstrings or…


A future-oriented analysis of a portfolio based on a set of assumptions and rates for a specified time period.

Projection Settings

The default for the creation of a Faculty Projection uses automated discovery of Projection chartstrings and personnel to initialize the Projection Settings and to update the Settings as University data evolves.

Projection Settings can also be managed manually to make corrections…


A hypothetical future-oriented analysis of a portfolio based on variations of a set of assumptions and rates for a specified time period.