Faculty Projections Estimator Page

The Estimator tab provides the ability to forecast how non-personnel costs change when you change the number of people and/or duration of the project.  The numbers are calculated by summing the expenses for each account for the selected number of months ending with the Actuals Month.  Then dividing the total expense by the number of months for a monthly expense and then dividing the monthly expense total by the number of FTEs that will share that cost.   The 3 metrics are: 

  • Total Actual Expense for Selected Time
  • Actual Expense Average Per Month
  • Actual Expense Per FTE Per Month


Estimator - Actuals


The same process is used to project/forecast expenses.   The forecast expenses could be the same or you may choose to increase them using a percentage increase (Estimated Increase) or recurring monthly amount (Adjusted Total Cost Per Month). 


Estimator - Forecast

Estimator Topics