Faculty Projections At-A-Glance

The At-A-Glance tab provides a set of quick reference cards which change based on the filters selected at the top of the page.  This includes cards which provide view of all expected balances across funds or for a single project. 

Projection Info card

Editable card which provides summary of the projection data and timeline.  Using the fields in this card, the user can change the actuals import month and the projection start and end months.  This card helps answer the question, “How far out is this projection?”

    Notes card

    Editable card which provides ability to enter a note with a headline.   Notes are visible to anyone with access to the projection. 

    Anticipated Sponsored Balances card

    This card provides a summarized quick view of sponsored fund balances (G and A0014 Funds) for one or more sponsored projects, inclusive of any commitments tracked in AMT.  Using the tool bar at the top of the page, the user can select one or more projects and a specific future month to view the balances as of the selected point in time.  This card is a helpful way to answer the question, “When will my project reach zero dollars (zero balance)?”

    Anticipated Non-Sponsored Balances card

    This card provides a summarized quick view of non-sponsored fund balances (A, B, E Funds) for all non-sponsored funds, non-sponsored funds, a Faculty member’s Program(s) or a specific fund (Custom).  The anticipated balance calculation is inclusive of any commitments tracked in AMT and tied to the faculty member via the Program selected in the commitment.  Using the tool bar at the top of the page, the user can select all non-sponsored funds, a Faculty member’s Program(s) or a specific fund (Custom one or more projects and a specific future month to view the balances as of the selected point in time.  This card is a helpful way to answer the question, “How much non-sponsored money will a faculty member have when a particular commitment is fulfilled?”

    Project Profile card

    This card provides a Project specific details when a project is selected in the filter.    Details provided include Project Title, Project and Activity Start and End Dates and status, Obligated Amount, Project FA Rate and FA Base.

    Award Profile card

    This card provides Award specific details when a project with an award is selected in the filter.    Details provided include Award Title, Sponsor and Primary Sponsor Names, Award number, Award Start and End Dates, Award Status and Total Anticipated Funding.    There is also a link to the NOA report in the IW accessible if you have permission to run the report in the IW.  

    Projection Financials card

    This card provides a view of key metrics for specific accounts:   Salary, Travel, Supplies, Equipment, Tuition, F&A along with totals.   The metrics display actuals totals:  Obligated Budget, Actual Expenses, Current Balance as well as Projected Funding, Projected Expenses and a Projected Balance.    Projected Balance is calculated as Current Balance + Forecast Budget or Revenue – Forecast Expenses.   Using the tool bar at the top of the page, the user can select the desired project and a specific future month to view the balances as of the selected point in time.  This card is a helpful way to answer the question, “How much money will remain in the project?”

    Monthly Budget v. Actuals card

    This card presents a graphical line chart representation of the Budget vs. the Actuals in a projection.   This card is not implemented in production.