The Career Tab displays current and historical job, post and committee data in a grid (rather than cards). The information displayed consists of data imported from PeopleSoft HCM, as well as additional career events in the past, present or future entered by AMT Users. The information added by AMT Users can be edited and deleted. The Group By feature can be used to filter and group data dynamically. Alternatively, the list can be downloaded to Excel.
Security View/ Edit Access: The Career Tab displays for anyone with access to the person in PeopleSoft HCM or Labor Accounting. AMT People Managers with access to the person in PeopleSoft HCM or Labor Accounting can add, edit and delete rows entered by an AMT People Manager.
Data: The Career Tab displays data from PeopleSoft HCM, specifically Employment, Job, Administrative Post and/or DOF Committee (Faculty Events), as well as information entered by AMT People Managers.
Columns: Career Tab Grid Columns Detail
Managing Career Events