The Support Tab displays financial support commitment and distribution information. AMT Users with the appropriate access can view and/or create future support plans for each person. For example, a future support plan for a graduate student can be managed in AMT for years beyond the current year.
AMT Person Support is maintained in the People Component, but a copy can be created and modified in any faculty projection in which the person support uses the faculty member's chartstrings (Programs or Projects).
In the future, AMT will provide a way to request and approve access to view/ edit a shared person's support for planning and projection purposes across departments.
Security: To view Support for a person, you must have access to that person in Labor Accounting. To add and edit future support, you must be assigned the Person Support Manager role in AMT.
Data: AMT Person Support data is imported from Labor Accounting. Additionally, AMT Person Support Managers with appropriate source system access, are able to create future support and/or support scenarios for individuals.
Columns: Support Columns Detail.